25 December 2008

Holiday is coming

After visiting My grandma's cousin who is celebrating Christmas, me and my cousins headed to Gramedia Bookstore, Grand Indonesia. Got 30% off for all items ( additional disc. 5 % for BCA card holder), yay.. me is very excited. I'm not a bookworm, but I love to read. There were full of people. and The sale is until tomorrow. Maybe I'll be there again tomorrow :p

I was busy finding Recto Verso by Dewi Lestari, but too bad the book is sold out :(

I'm currently reading : The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne.

Happy Holiday people.. and see you next year! :)


l a r a s ;) said...

hey tascha pakabar..? :)

waa sm waktu itu recto versonya jg sold out.. tp skrg udh punya sih.. hehe ;)

tascha! said...

Alhamdulillah baik ras..
iya waktu itu abis bis bis..dan sampai hari ini, dakupun blm membacanya. huhuhuhu

Unknown said...

nanti kalau kau datang......kuculik semuanya yaaaaaa yg blum pernah kubaca

awas aja kalo ga boleh !